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LED dynamic front

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One, key research institutionsThe 1 Nagoya Industry UniversityNagoya Industrial University nano devices and systems research center is by the famous expert Professor Mei Ye justice was founded in Jiangchuan, the current director Takashi under the leadership of Professor, including Professor Shao Chunlin, Chinese team is committed to long-term nitrogen in silicon substrateGallium arsenide ( GaN ) compound semiconductor research.The center of the main research topics are" silicon substrate on the GaN epitaxial film growth technology, LED, HEMT" research. The research starts from 2003, to the end of 2005, which lasted for 3 years. In addition, also at the same time with the Japanese sun day acid joint development of company MOCVD, and Oki common research and development of electronic equipment. In 2003, the successful development of the 2 inch substrate, gallium nitride epitaxial wafer growth and its equipment.In 2004, the center and the successful development of the silicon substrate 4 inch InGaN LED and AlGaN / GaN HEMT. At present, is using Japan solar day Acid Company specifically for the development of 6 inch silicon substrate device, in 6 inches of the epitaxial film growth technology research.Another issue is the" tuning environment high functional nano sensor, materials development". The project will last 5 years, the main goal is to: make the sapphire substrate to the growth of a high quality epitaxial wafer ( AlGaN / GaN ) crystallization, developed to within 4 inches of the substrate growing epitaxial films of crystalline MOCVD equipment, make AIN solid dissolved in GaN, developed the band width wider semiconductor UV sensor.2 City UniversityCity University of Chiqiyong is Professor of global LED pioneer. Development of Blu-ray LED, violet LED, directly or indirectly to the industry brings Enze. As violet LED in real life applications gradually gained popularity, now began to from a AIN substrate production to the epitaxial wafer, high-efficiency luminescence and medical processing or production of special equipment and other aspects of the research and development work.Utilizing a unique high temperature growth method and the combination reaction, under low pressure, creating a large ingot, in order to like GaAs substrate, cutting through efficient access to substrate. At the same time, they also tried in AIN substrate growth of nitride compound epitaxial wafers, in order to produce high-quality crystal and nano structure.In the field of the ultraviolet laser, wavelength shortening competition in global continued. City University in 2004 March issued the world's shortest wavelength is only 350.9nm UV laser paper, once again demonstrated its in the world leading level of nitrogen compound semiconductor technology. After the United States, the energy ( power ) semiconductor, LED manufacturer CREE company announced in society: they have achieved 343nm wavelength ultraviolet laser. City University research results, the active layer using the GaN and did not join Al, CREE is possible in the active layer of the accession to the Al, so in this sense, they both started the second round of the competition.On the world a lot of enterprises and research institutions are speeding up high efficiency white LED development. City University has been in research projects, the realization of quantum efficiency of 32%, luminous efficiency of 80lm / W as their target. The study on the Japan Science and technology agency funding, from the beginning of 2004, with 3 years time to complete.In two, a compound semiconductor device the latest trendsMOCVD equipment and MBE equipment market, due to the company in 2000 to GaAs system for the center of a large number of investment, so its growth since 2001, showing a slowing trend. However, in the MOCVD equipment market, although the GaAs system and InP system of communication electronic equipment for semiconductor laser demand drops somewhat, but in a dedicated mobile phone backlight, automotive, lighting equipment and other fields, GaN blue and white LED application is quite active, DVD blue-violet semiconductor laser, GaAs series of red LED demand remains strong, showing the overall upward trend. Global production of MOCVD shipments in 2003 to estimate for the 80-100 platform, 2004 will rise.With GaN series LED and the blue-violet semiconductor laser apparatus for center continues to grow, MOCVD demand also is in escalate. In addition, with the equipment for high power and chip size, substrate demand will gradually showing a large caliber trend, its disposal equipment will also increase.In MOCVD and MBE equipment suppliers in Europe and the United States, the technical actual strength of the enterprise in the world come first on the list.In three, the compound semiconductor epitaxial wafer crystal, the latest trendsSingle crystal epitaxial wafer technology, technology becomes the key technology. Compound semiconductor single crystal substrate materials are: for low brightness LED GaP substrates for high brightness; four yuan LED, infrared LED, CD semiconductor LD, mobile phone and other mobile electronic equipment on the GaAs substrate, communications and special LD on InP substrate. In addition, recent, with blue LED as the representative of the GaN LED manufacturing sapphire substrate growth significantly. In addition, epitaxial wafer has become the key technology in the field of. The following is the main blue compound semiconductor materials.GaNThe main production of GaN crystallization method is MOCVD method. However, its biggest task is through the establishment of production technology, to achieve a stable supply capacity. The earliest GaN substrate by Japan's Sumitomo Electric established production technology. In addition, Hitachi cable, the ancient river machinery metal, CREE company also plans to participate in the field.SapphireSingle crystal sapphire substrate as the blue and white light LED special substrate, its demand is a rising trend year by year. According to the volume to calculate, its annual average increase of about 20%. Projected 2004 global shipments of approximately 250000 ( according to 2 inches to calculate ). In the sapphire substrate production LED, required in the insulated side and 2 electrodes, so its chip other than the conductive substrate size needs to be large, but its low production cost advantages make it far ahead of other materials. In its delivery, 2 inch occupied most of proportion, 3 inch and 4 inch demand is also increasing trend.Sapphire single crystal method mainly uses the EFG method, CZ method. LED generally use the C plane sapphire. Recently, along with the LED brightness is higher and higher, the substrate is more and more strict requirements of manufacturers. Not only in the crystallization of the accuracy has very high demand, on the substrate, flat degree of cleanliness and other processing precision and quality requirements are also gradually improve. In response to these requests, the substrate is also active in the exploration strategy of manufacturer.In 2005, LED manufacturers continue to strengthen engineering ability, therefore, the market situation is also good. Moreover, the SOS ( Silicon on sapphire ) technology will soon be practical, therefore, in the IC and electronic equipment market, is likely to generate new demand. To this, manufacturers have started to do the SOS special R side substrate production preparation. Large caliber changes will also be the future of an important issue.SiCIn 2004 the SiC substrate market size of approximately 250000 Medals - 300000 gold. Among the 8 into above is used as GaN-LED substrate. With the GaN-LED market dimensions expands, the SiC substrate needs a growth momentum. The SiC substrate in the market, the United States of America CREE company champion. The company's market share may be as high as 85%-90%. The company also produces its own blue and white light GaN-LED chip, scale of production is estimated at about 350000000.In addition to an annual output of more than 200000 pieces of American CREE company, the majority of the company's production capacity to stay in to produce hundreds thousands more degree. The company is in the side watching market trends, on the side of caution to increase investment phase.At present, SiC substrate market has become the LED powerful traction. Development of the focus shifted from LED high energy devices. The future market for high energy device substrate will have great growth rate. SiC produced using high energy devices, capable of producing more efficient than silicon, durability stronger energy device. In fact, many companies are actively trying to use SiC manufacturing high energy devices.Now SiC market mainly in 4H, 6H substrates are. 6H is mainly used for LED, but the substrate production business development focus is to be applied to the high energy devices on a 4H substrate transfer, attempts to achieve a 4H substrate of high quality.On the other hand, is more than 4H, 6H of this class of six crystal substrate, cubic SiC rise. 3 inches above the large diameter has become the field of development focus. CREE company took the lead in realizing 3 inches, other companies are still in an effort to achieve 3 inches of. However, from the user perspective, 4 inches of demand is very big. Therefore, the company's development focus gradually to 4 inches of transfer. Only in the large diameter of, cubic crystal substrate than the six crystal substrate to be more advantages, it is easy to realize the large diameter of. Therefore, we can foresee the future market, in high energy devices, 4H substrate between the substrate and the cubic crystal will produce intense competition.

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